Monday, November 22, 2021

Cuahotemoc week 9

 Buenos tardes hermanos,


These last two weeks have just been flying by, but they have been awesome! We have visited all the less actives in our area for which we have addresses.  That has been a lot of work so we had the opportunity to meet with a lot of people to invite them back to Christ.


Hermana Karina Gonzalez and Yahir went to church this week! Karina honestly was a miracle.  She has been coming to church for the last 3-4 weeks and we didn't even know she was not a member. We set up a lesson with her this week and will have the chance to start teaching her. We also finally got this less active Hermana Bustillos and her family to come to church. She hadn't been in years! We are also helping her stop smoking. On Sunday after we church we visited them and we took away 6 cigarettes from her so that was fun. ðŸ˜Š


Another less active member we met with was Maria del Socorro.  Last time we visited her she said she was super sick and sad, and that she had had covid for the last 5 years.  This time though she opened the door and said she was better and was happy even though she doesn't have food or a bed. She lives off the donations of her neighbors so we informed the branch president about the situation. She also said for sure she is going to come back to church! 


Visited lots of less actives, one was drunk. Then we visited Hermana Bustillos, played a game, talked about no smoking and she gave us soup.  Later, we had a correlation meeting.   We also helped in the missionary night, by singing some songs and answering questions.


Another member we visited (hermana Lizeth) - she was crying because the members didn't help her with divorce.  She had burned her eyes and never looked at us but just cried.  We tried to help her but she refused our efforts to help.  We spoke to a few others and setup future lessons with Estrella and Ubualdo.  We had a lesson with gabriel and she gave us food.


We had an amazing lesson with Hermano Octaviano.  We taught him about the restoration of Christ’s gospel and church here on the earth. After the lesson we asked him if he had any questions and he said how and when can I get a copy of the Book of Mormon.  We met with him again later in the week and taught him the rest of the plan of salvation.


One night we called Arnoldo and taught him about the restoration. He said he wanted to wait to pray about Joseph Smith because he had his free agency. I studied while elder Toledo took a test (English writing test to get into BYU) for 3 hours.  I had an interesting time on the bus.  These 2 drunk guys were talking to me as kept calling me guerito and asking me if we were almost there. Lol. 


We taught blanca the word of wisdom, law of chastity, tithing and fasting and we finally we had a family night with hermano noe - we played games and then we shared the 7 minute restoration video.  They then they fed us dinner and we ate cake and celebrated noe’s 60 birthday. 


Lastly, we taught a lesson with Alejandra about temples.  


A quote from the new testament institute manual that I will share


Luke 14:26–33. Sacrifice Is Required of All Disciples


As recorded in Luke 14:26–33, Jesus Christ taught His followers about the sacrifices they had to be willing to make in order to persist as His disciples. Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained how he was affected by hearing of a new convert who made the sacrifices required of him as a disciple of Jesus Christ:


“I had just returned home from my mission. So much seemed ahead of me. Would I be able to consistently make the right choices throughout my life?  Then-Elder Gordon B. Hinckley spoke [during April 1973 general conference] of meeting a young naval officer from Asia. The officer had not been a Christian, but during training in the United States, he had learned about the Church and was baptized. He was now preparing to return to his native land.  


President Hinckley asked the officer: ‘Your people are not Christians. What will happen when you return home a Christian, and, more particularly, a Mormon Christian?’

“The officer’s face clouded, and he replied: ‘My family will be disappointed. … As for my future and my career, all opportunity may be foreclosed against me.’

“President Hinckley asked, ‘Are you willing to pay so great a price for the gospel?’

With his dark eyes moistened by tears, he answered with a question: ‘It’s true, isn’t it?’

“President Hinckley responded, ‘Yes, it is true.’

“To which the officer replied, ‘Then what else matters?’ [see ‘The True Strength of the Church,’ Ensign, July 1973, 48].

“Through the years, I have reflected on these words: ‘It’s true, isn’t it? Then what else matters?’ These questions have helped me put difficult issues in proper perspective. …

“Of course, for all of us, there are other things that matter. When I heard President Hinckley’s talk as a 21-year-old, I needed to be serious about my studies; I needed employment to keep me in school; somehow I had to figure out how to convince a special young lady that she should take a chance on me; and I enjoyed other worthy activities.

“How do we find our way through the many things that matter? We simplify and purify our perspective. Some things are evil and must be avoided; some things are nice; some things are important; and some things are absolutely essential” 


Elder Talbot


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Cuohotemoc Week 7

 We are finally back to the green light with almost all normal rules. We can street contact, door knock, teach in person, teach inside houses, eat inside houses, and fist bump people.


We had some excellent lessons this week let me explain some of the best ones we had


We had a lesson with Hermano Octaviano over the phone. He is the father of the Hermana Blanca. We taught him about the plan of salvation and his purpose here on the earth. We got him committed to coming to church and then Sunday just before church started, he came and he really enjoyed it and said he would be back next week! The Sunday school topic was about temples and vicarious baptisms for the dead, something that he had never heard of before so he enjoyed it 


We had an awesome lesson with an inactive member named Gabriel Adriano and his non member wife names Lizeth. Earlier in the week we would taught just the hermano Gabriel about the laborers in the Vineyard. He is an inactive member that got baptized over 8 years ago, and since then he found himself getting lost into the worldly things of drinking. The interpretation of the parable explains that it doesn't matter how long it takes for someone to return to God and their covenants as long as they do, the we will have the same reward of exaltation and eternal life. So in a later lesson that week with him we went to his house and met him and his wife in person and we taught them restoration and it went really well! Afterwards they invited us to eat and we had chicken and bean burritos.

The Hermana Lizet is going to the Doctor this week for health problems so keep her in your prayers.


We had a really nice lesson with la Hermana Silvia. She explained to us that both her mother and father had passed away, and that her kids are gone so she is lonely living by herself. We taught her about the spirit world and the resurrection and the hope that it can give her to know where her family is now, and that she will be reunited with them again. She was crying and was very grateful for our message.


We taught some less actives aa well. One hermano names angel Moreno we reviewed the restoration and he is going to invite his family to church and take the missionary lessons, as he is the only member in his family. He has been coming to church for the past few weeks in a row. 


We had a lesson with hermana Blanca about eternal families and temples and sent her the video of the Apostles giving a tour of the Rome temple and she really enjoyed it. She said next week she will be coming to church with her father Octaviano!

That's all for this week!


Elder Talbot

Monday, November 1, 2021

Six Weeks In and So Much Progress!

 Hello everyone! Another terrific week we had here in Cuauhtemoc.

Today there were transfers and let's just say there were too many problems here, so 7 out of the 12 people left the zone, so we have a fresh new start over here in Cuauhtemoc.


We did an awesome missionary activity as a ward where the members split up with other members and went to go visit the inactives. This was the first time that this branch had done an activity like that, so it was really nice to see! The inactive member we visited with one of the members came to church the next day and the rest of his family are members so we are going to jump all over the opportunity to help him and his family learn about the restoration of the fullness of the gospel and Church of Jesus Christ!


On Sunday we had a miracle. The neighbors of this member family were invited to church by the members and they came to church and they really enjoyed it and said they would be back next Sunday! Their names are Hermano Juan and Hermana Lupi. We are going to go visit them later this week to get to know them better and teach them.

We should be returning back to green light this week which is really good news because we have found it difficult to help the people we teach progress unless we are with them in person and they see our faces and feel that what we are teaching is really important in their lives.

Hermana Blanca has been reading the Book of Mormon and said she likes it so she is progressing well and we are just trying to get her to come to church, just like everyone else we are teaching.

We have seen massive progress in our area, even in the last six weeks that we have been here. We literally got here and there was no one being taught, no inactives being taught, no work being done with the members, and no one coming to church. But now we have all of those so we are stoked to see how much more service and progress we can render here in the next six weeks!


I finished the Book of Mormon again, along with the institute manual and I have got to say that out of all the times I have read the Book of Mormon, it was by far the most enjoyable and impactful experience. I have also started to read the New Testament with the institute manual and have already absolutely loved it. Right now I am in Matthew 26 and as I read and imagined all the suffering and criticism the Savior went through in his last day before he died, it expanded my understanding of the love that he has for us. I came across the following quote in the manual that I would like to share.


Gerald N. Lund, who later became a member of the Seventy, wrote about the Savior’s voluntary choice not to use His power to defend Himself from the abuses He experienced:


“Imagine the Being whose power, whose light, whose glory holds the universe in order, the Being who speaks and solar systems, galaxies, and stars come into existence—standing before wicked men and being judged by them as being of no worth or value!


“When we think of what he could have done to these men who took him to judgment, we have a new and different sense of his condescension. When Judas led the soldiers and the high priests to the Garden of Gethsemane and betrayed him with a kiss, Jesus could have spoken a single word and leveled the entire city of Jerusalem. When the servant of the high priest stepped forward and slapped his face, Jesus could have lifted a finger and sent that man back to his original elements. When another man stepped forward and spit in his face, Jesus had only to blink and our entire solar system could have been annihilated. But he stood there, he endured, he suffered, he condescended” (“Knowest Thou the Condescension of God?” in Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top, eds., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium [1992], 86).


Jesus Christ’s response when Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant shows the compassion of the Son of God even toward those who wished to harm Him.


As Christmas season is approaching I invite all to read once again the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament in Matthew - John you might as well pull out the institute manual while you are at it:) I know that as we do so, it helps us remember the purpose of why we celebrate Christmas and it brings the real meaning of the Christmas Season to life. 

Have a fabulous week everybody!


Elder Talbot



Monday, October 18, 2021

Plenty of Work to Do

 Hello again everybody this week has been a solid one 

Lets start off with some of the bad news. Unfortunately we are returning to the yellow light which means we can't teach insides homes or contact in the street or houses, but it is supposed to only last for 2 weeks!

Another thing that happened thus week was three police officers died about four minutes away from where we live. But no worries, we are safe!


Okay so now here are the good news. One of the lesson active families that we had been working with had their 8 year old boy Baptized. Their family will be leaving to montana in a few momths but it has been a great experience working with them and teaching their boy!

Member Visits

●We visited la hermana zobaida, she spent about na hour telling us about her crazy experiences. She was going through a time when she wanted to get divorced, at the same time she had cancer, she was lookikg to find God, and so one night she literally prayed the whole night asking for help, then the next morning the missionaires came and knocked on her door! She eventually got divorced, then baptized, then helped her friend get baptized! Then we talked to her about la hermana Wendy from last week that we visited, they had the same cancer problem so she has been trying to help her.

Non-member lessons

●We had a great lesson with someone we are teaching named la hermana blanca we walked to her house and had a lesson with her and her 3 year old kid, we taught them about the restoration and invited them to read the book of Mormon and prayed, she received the lesson really well and has a lot of potencial!

●We had a really nice, smoke and distraction free lesson with la hermana Josefina. She is the mom of three kids that got baptized but never were active. We taught her about the restoration of the gospel and we are excited to see her start reading the Book of mormon and progressing!

●Then we visited this other inactive family and it's another interesting situation. The wife of one of the inactive families sons got baptized about 2 years ago, but never came back and got confirmed so we started teaching them.

Less active visits

●Then we had a visit with a less active family and it was interesting. The mom is la Hermana Bustillos, and let me say she is very crazy. She is still honestly convinced that covid doesn't exist because she has never got it. On the way out, she showed us her Marijuana plant...we thought she was kidding and didn't believe her until we decided to smell it, but uhhh yup she wasn't kidding. Then her daughter la Hermana azul kept calling me some name that I didn't understand because it was one of the thousands of slang words they use down her. But apparently she was trying to tell me that I was a guy that had a lot of girlfriends back at home...okaaaayy

●We gave a bible an inactive dad that we are going going start working with

The food

●A member made us super good discada this week - Sausage, ham, salchicha, weenie, cow meat, potatoes, tortillas, cheese, salsa

I want to finish with a quote I enjoyed from my studies from the prophets about prayer, agency, and action.

As parents and leaders, we must remember that ‘it is not meet that [the Lord] should command in all things’ [D&C 58:26]. Like the brother of Jared, we must carefully consider the needs of our family members, make a plan to meet those needs, and then take our plan to the Lord in prayer. This will require faith and effort on our part, but He will help us as we seek His assistance and do His will” (in Conference Report, Apr. 2003, 15; or Ensign, May 2003, 16).

"The Lord wants us to grow and learn as we make our own decisions. He also wants us to take our conclusions to Him frequently for His confirmation. When the brother of Jared asked the Lord about the matter of light for the vessels, the Lord answered with a question of His own: “What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?” (Ether 2:23). According to President Harold B. Lee (1899–1973), the Lord’s question was similar to saying the following:

                                “‘Well, have you any good ideas? What would you suggest that we should do in order to have light?’ …

                                “Then the Lord went away and left him alone. It was as though the Lord were saying to him, ‘Look, I gave you a mind to think with, and I gave you agency to use it. Now you do all you can to help yourself with this problem; and then, after you’ve done all you can, I’ll step in to help you.’”

                                After considering the possibilities, the brother of Jared demonstrated his great faith by asking the Lord to touch 16 stones and supply light. The Lord answered this plea and not only provided light for the vessels but gave this faithful man a vision unlike any other.

                                President Lee concluded: “This is the principle in action. If you want the blessing, don’t just kneel down and pray about it. Prepare yourselves in every conceivable way you can in order to make yourselves worthy to receive the blessing you seek”


1. Baptism

2. Discada

3. Food

4. A cute chihuahua en chihuahua:)

Monday, October 11, 2021

Week Three in Cuatehemoc

 This week has been exceptional. We had two people show up to church on sunday. One of them was the sister of one of the members we had been working with- Hermano Noe - hes a convert to the church of about 3 years. Apparently the entire rest of his family are non members so there's a lot of work to do there.

The other non member that had been showing up to church and we hadn't even realized was the niece of an active member, named Mauricio. So we are going to start working and helping these two people.

For our fast Sunday meal, the members fed us some soup which had chicken on the bone. We all had a good time eating and then feeding the stray dogs the bones. It reminded me of the first time I was in Mexico when I would I always feed all the mean dogs, then those dogs would always start to like me

We had a very neat experience on Sunday evening. On Friday we got a call that we to see if we could go visit a very sick lady that lived in Anahuac. So we called our Mission President and we received permission to go. This place was previously closed because of some dangerous things that happened. So the members came and picked us up and we traveled to her house. We said a prayer and then we went inside to meet the her. Her name is Wendy, she probably has 35 years old. She has 2 little precious girls - five and three years old. We talked to her and she explained everything that had been happening to her. Since November of 2020, she has had cancer, and she has tumors in her legs. She has already had three operations /surgeries. She then told us that she will have another visit with the doctors, but te last time she went, they told her that there is no remedy. And so she was left to think that she will die soon and leave her two little ones behind. After everything we explained the priesthood and asked her if she would like for us to give her a blessing. We then proceeded to give her a priesthood blessing through the prayer of faith since we weren't allowed to touch her. It was a great reminder that the power of God has no limits. Jesus Christ healed so many people without ever touching them. The spirit was strong and afterwards we offered to come back and teach her the plan of salvation.

Just a few other highlights of this week

We received the list of all the members, made a map with all their names and directions and we started searching for them. We have had so much success so far and we are excited to continue!

We were able to found and start teaching eight new people this week. 

Keep these people in your prayers - Hermana Wendy - Sister with cancer, Laisa, Miguel, Gabriel, Jorge Calderon, Blanca and Octaviano, Alejandra and Ernesto, Josefina and Ornorio, and Jose

We had zone conference this week we woke up 5:30. We had interviews with president and got my new temple recommend,  

We had a zone inventory because there was a lot of problems within this zone  

Also I finished my BYU application  


The interesting lesson this week...

We had a lesson with Josefina and Ornorio, but he was drunk so he was super distractive...hopefully we catch a bit more perky next time

Something to Share - The infinite accessibility and power of prayer

President James E. Faust bore testimony of the gift and privilege we each have of access to our Heavenly Father through prayer: “Access to our Creator through our Savior is surely one of the great privileges and blessings of our lives. … No earthly authority can separate us from direct access to our Creator. There can never be a mechanical or electronic failure when we pray. There is no limit on the number of times or how long we can pray each day. There is no quota of how many needs we wish to pray for in each prayer. We do not need to go through secretaries or make an appointment to reach the throne of grace. He is reachable at any time and any place”

Elder Talbot

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

ZL in Cuauhtemoc with Elder Toledo

“Freedom” is now Drew described his transfer out of the office. He is glad that his 12 weeks there came to an end so he could get back out and work. He has a terrific companion, elder Toledo, from Mexico. They are the zone leaders and are both new to the area of Cuauhtemoc. Drew’s excited to have a companion who’s just as ready as he is to work hard, pray hard, do the Lord’s work, and teach the people of Cuauhtemoc about Jesus Christ. 


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Tough Times in the Office

Drew hasn’t written a letter for a while, but we’ve been able to visit with him each week, so I thought I’d include an update. He is with a companion that has a different definition of “work” than Drew has. Drew lives with five other missionaries. The AP’s work hard, but Drew’s companion and the other set of office elders don’t work after 5pm. They’re supposed to proselytize from 5-9pm. Drew has tried a variety of ways to coax and encourage his companion to get out and make visits but to no avail. He wrote his mission President a letter yesterday explaining his frustration and his desire to work. He feels like he’s wasting the Lord’s time, which is super frustrating. He’s been with this companion for 7 weeks, meaning he has at least 5 more together.
He says that his morning workouts and his peanut butter milkshake are some of the highlights of his day. We’re keeping him in our prayers. 


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Office work

 There really isn't anything exciting to write about. Literally all I have been doing is working on completing uncompleted baptismal forms. For example, almost all of them are missing signatures from the bishop or the person that got baptized,  because they never signed it and so now I have to go track them down. I really don't know what else to write about because I don't want to bore the people that read these letters. We have been calling all the people in our area book and I talked to someone named gabrielle, I told him some questions aback out jesus christ, then I asked him if he knew of any other books besides the bible that talks, and testifies of jesus christ and he said no. So I told him about the book of mormon and he was interested enough to drive by our office to come talk to us and pick up the book. So we will be meeting with him and his wife here again on Monday

That's everything worth noting about my week

Tacos al pastor hit different 
Elder Talbot

Monday, June 28, 2021

Jose’s Baptism

 This week started off pretty bad, but greatfully it didnt end that way

So I think it was on Tuesday when I woke up and I after I went to the bathroom, I realized I was sick. I felt like I was back in the CCM all over again. And if you know my experience that I had in the Mexico MTC, well lets just say then you already know what I'm talking about and I don't need to say any more haha. So I've been back to eating my bananas and toast. I lost all my energy and my stomach wasnt feeling too great, so I went back to bed and rested, pretty much the whole rest of the day.

After the next day I was pretty much all better.

We found out from asking our mission president that we are allowed to knock on less active and inactive family homes to see if they actually live there, that includes part member families, so now we don't have to wait for the members! I wish I knee that 6 weeks ago when I got here

We have also started to go out and hand out pamphlets to people doors, so that was a nice change for sure

Best part of the week was

The baptism of Jose Alvarado! It was amazing to see his progression through every one of the lessons that we had together. We were grateful to get to attend his baptism, even after we found out he actually wasnt in our area. Him and his while family were very happy and it was a great experience

Today was the end of the transfer, and I have been called to go to the offices, so that's where my new assignment is. My new companion is...

Elder Guerrrero

Until Next Week!

Elder Talbot

Cuahotemoc week 9

  Buenos tardes hermanos,   These last two weeks have just been flying by, but they have been awesome! We have visited all the less actives ...